The problem:
Allergy Management in the Family
Mite allergy is the most common indoor allergy and also the allergy with the highest asthma risk . Allergen avoidance - avoiding contact with mite allergens - is the first and most important step to reducing allergic reactions and reducing the risk of asthma. Equipping your bed with high-quality medical, clinically tested allergy encasings is the basis of home renovation, but is not enough as the only measure. Mites and allergens lurk throughout the entire home and can contribute to an allergy-hostile climate. However, the multitude of measures for allergen reduction can be confusing. And since every home is individually furnished, general recommendations are often not helpful.
Many options
Allergies are on everyone's lips. This quickly leads to seemingly many options. But what makes scientific sense and is also specifically suitable for me and my family?
Concrete measures
Effective home renovation, which leads to a reduction in allergen exposure and thus to allergen avoidance, is anchored in medical guidelines. Allergy encasing can only work in conjunction with a simultaneous home renovation. But how do I do that and which measures are particularly useful in my home?
time management
Es fehlt oft die Zeit, sich umfassend mit allen Aspekten der Allergieprävention zu beschäftigen. Die Suche nach den richtigen Produkten, die Einholung von ärztlichen Empfehlungen und die Umsetzung der Maßnahmen fordern viel Zeit und Energie.
Your solution: The Allergy Assistant SASHA
by allergo SMART
Your allergy assistant SASHA immediately gives clear, scientifically based recommendations for action, individually tailored to your home
scientific background
Your SASHA allergy advisor is tailored to you and your family. It's all about you. SASHA draws on many studies that are evaluated individually.
Successfully Relieve Allergies
Verlässliche Maßnahmen garantieren Deiner Familie ein allergenreduziertes Zuhause. Das beste: Alles erfolgt einfach und spielerisch. Deine ganze Familie macht mit und es entsteht kein Stress.
With SASHA and allergoSMART you have found a holistic approach to effectively combat dust mite allergies. SASHA draws on the latest scientific studies and the knowledge of many allergists. Thanks to the latest data technology, this knowledge is now also available to you individually for your living space. Our innovative, scientifically based solution uses intelligent technologies to support you in the renovation of your living space and thus simplify your life. With the help of AllergoSMART you can be together at home again without having to constantly think about allergies. We offer a worry-free solution that is 100% tailored to your living space.
How allergoSMART works
Photograph your living spaces
Simply upload photos of your relevant living areas. These images form the basis for a precise, AI-supported analysis of your surroundings.
Better results with an uploaded allergy test
You will get even better and more personalized results if you upload your allergy test. Then SASHA can tailor its adjustments even better to you.
Start the image analysis now
Our AI recognizes potential improvements to relieve your allergy. It analyzes step by step and also gives you the medical background.
Your tailor-made living space plan is created
Now you will receive a tailor-made plan on how you and your family can change small things. You will be amazed at the effect this can have. Together with the Allergo Encasing, you and your family are now optimally prepared.

Intelligent image analysis
The AI-supported image analysis takes into account all relevant factors for you from a medical point of view, based on your living situation

Identify allergy triggers
Our AI identifies potential sources of dust mites, mold and pollen in your rooms.

Umgebungsfaktoren berücksichtigen
Important aspects such as carpets, plants, heating, room climate etc. and furniture placement are included in the analysis.

Individual recommendations
You will receive clear, effective instructions based on the latest findings in allergy research.